Sonoran Desert
- The most interesting region in the world -
Gila Topminnow
Description:The gila topminnow is silvery in color. The male breeding color is black with yellow fins. They are very small in size (2.5-5 centimeters). Depending on the time of year each brood is born, they live around a year. Smaller broods are born earlier in the year and mature faster. The fish is listed as endangered.
Behavior:Gila topminnows are ‘generalist feeders’, eating plants, insect larvae, and small crustaceans. Most males will turn black in coloration and become aggressive during mating, others will mate more secretly. Interestingly, they will prey on their own young. Their main predators are non-native fish that were introduced into their habitats, namely the mosquito fish.
Reproduction:The fish’s reproductive season is from April to November. They bear live young, two broods carried at the same time. The gestation period is around 26 days, with breeding season occurring between January and August. In order for newborns to protect themselves, coverage is necessary.
Habitat:The fish can live in a variety of habitats and water solutions (tap-salt), but are mostly found in Arizona and Mexico. They can survive in near freezing water, as well as water that reaches 38 degrees Celsius (100 degrees Fahrenheit. They are most content in moderate currents with dense mats of debris/vegetation, with shallow, warm water.